Precious Ones, The Lord has been preparing us, for several months now, to address a letter about the topic: "Worshipping Your Stand!" We hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will guide and direct every word written here and also touch your heart if this is a matter that the Lord wants to minister to you in. If this is NOT a subject that the Lord is dealing with you on, then please disregard this letter. In standing for a marriage....it is soooo very easy to want to DEFEND the Holy Scriptures and the Truth! We can find ourselves feeling that if we don't do this or do do that, we will be compromising God's Word. Then FEAR comes into action, because we feel as though if we aren't proclaiming or defending God's Word (our stand) then God will punish us by not having our mate return or else He will make it take longer! GOD DOES NOT WORK BY FEAR, HE IS MOVED BY OBEDIANCE AND FAITH!

How would a person know if they have "crossed the line" into worship? One way is if we have an "agenda" or a "mission" to proclaim our stand.......about our stand. This is God's job to do. He is the one to "raise the standard" not us. Our focus...our "mission" must remain on obeying the Father in even the "smallest" things and warring for our mates. There are precious ones thinking they are in the trenches warring for their mates, but in reality they aren't even on the frontlines anymore (where dying to self occurs and also painful warfare) and are off in a land where they spend more time proclaiming and talking about their "stand" then doing the trench warfare. Does this make any sense? We do not have to "shove our stand down people's throats". God will do it just because of our obedience to Him!!! This walk is a very humbling walk.....But we will never be put to shame for trusting in our God!!!! Hallelujah!!!

When we cross over into "worshipping our stand" the peace of God is not upon us! We find ourselves being willing to actually fight, debate and quarrel with brothers and sisters in the Lord to proclaim our stand! And heaven forbid, if they didn't "get it" when we were proclaiming it, so now they are "going to go to hell". Before we went through our valley experience, we both loved Jesus and knew that if we died....we'd go to heaven! (Thank You, Jesus!) But until having gone through our valley, we DID NOT have the same convictions about marriage until God taught them to us!!! And yet we pass judgment and condemn a brother or sister for not "getting it". God wants us to do all things in LOVE or else it means nothing. Even standing for our mate! LOVE has to be the heartbeat of everything that we do! It is a test that we MUST pass! Even loving the "Strange" man or woman. Remember: they ARE NOT OUR ENEMY, SATAN IS! They are a lost soul that Jesus died for and wants you to pray for and learn to love with His love. We can be 100% right on our "stand", but if our attitude and actions are not full of LOVE (I Cor. 13 love!)...then we are 100% wrong and things will not be allowed to progress. There is no "skipping over a stepping stone". On this path that God has us on, He lays stepping stones for us to walk upon (lessons & teachings from Him). He leads the way and even marks the path! EACH stepping stone that God lays before us is to learn from and to mature from and CAN NOT be "skipped" over. We must learn everything that He is wanting to teach us BEFORE He will allow us to "move on".

We must always make sure that we do not get arrogant in our stand. It will only delay things because God won't let things move along until WE "get it". God calls a "stander" to stand on His Word and to stand in the gap for OUR mate! Our loving attitude and JOY will be what will GLORIFY God in our stand! If in the process of our valley, we are judgmental and condemning.....what kind of "glory" does that give God? The battle is NOT ours to change the hearts and minds of the nations pertaining to the Truth about the Holy Scriptures and marriage....the battle is the Lord's! He will use us as a tool to show His Glory and His Power to the nations! But it will ALWAYS be done in love, and the Peace of God MUST rule in our hearts and minds to do this!

When the Lord told us that He was going to use our valley experience to help others, He, in fact, instructed that, "My people are at hand to come". In other words...HE WOULD BRING THE PEOPLE to us....Likewise, with your stand, rest in God and allow Him to bring those that HE wants you to share with, otherwise you will just be wasting time and energy that you need to be using to war for your mate to be set free from the bondage that they are in. We know what God has told us that He will do for all those that He has entrusted to us to pray for! We are excited for each one of you because our God is Faithful! We find ourselves so many times crying out to God to "please hurry and bring the victory to each of your marriages" and then we feel God's Precious Spirit encourage us.... that He will........at the "appointed hour". Hallelujah!!! We don't want there to be even one thing delaying your mate's return, so we believe that this is the purpose in which God has asked us to write this to you. We love and care about you in only a way that God could have placed within us! We will continue to pray and wait because we KNOW that the day is coming for your mate's return! We are another day closer! Amen! If this is not an area in your walk that the Lord is talking to you about and wants you to change, then by all means, disregard this letter. We pray God's blessings upon each of you! If you have any comments or questions please feel free to contact us.

Love, Les & Cindy



I Corinthians 13; Ephesians 6; II. Chron. 20; Psalm 119:105; Psalm 16:11; II. John 1:6; I. John 4:16-21; Colossians 3:15 & 16; Romans 14:17; Isaiah 28:9 & 10 I. John 4:7 & 8; I John 3:18; I. Peter 3:8; II. Timothy 2:24; John 15:10; II. Timothy 1:7; Romans 9:33; Romans 10:11; I. Peter 2:6